Fire blankets for the rail sector
Made from high-performance, non-combustible technical fibers, our fire blankets can be used to prevent fires starting in vehicles and lithium batteries. Flexible and easy to handle, they can be used in the rail sector.
Innovative solutions to prevent the spread of flames

Fire prevention and safety in the rail sector help to protect staff and passengers. An outbreak of fire, in rolling stock, a track maintenance vehicle or a storage warehouse for example, must be brought under control quickly to :

  • prevent serious human and material damage;
  • allow people to be evacuated.

With Flamastop fire blankets, it’s possible to prevent flames and smoke from spreading quickly and causing a total conflagration.

Borne pour les incendies dans le ferroviaire

What are the advantages of our fire blankets?

  • Performanceelles éteignent un feu de véhicule thermique en quelques minutes 
  • Simplicité elles peuvent être déployées par 2 personnes
  • Protection – elles évitent la propagation des flammes en attendant les pompiers
  • Respect de l’environnementelles ne dégagent pas de substances ou vapeurs toxiques
  • Résistance – elles supportent des températures élevées

When a fire breaks out on a vehicle, a lithium battery, immediate action must be taken to:


  • prevent the flames from spreading to other surrounding property;
  • lower the temperature to limit thermal runaway;
  • prevent soil and air pollution;
  • ensure the safety of those present.


Among the solutions available for the control of a fire in the railway sector are our fire blankets. They are made in Europe, with fire-retardant technical fibres. They are flexible, deployable in few minutes and no training is required to use them. They are also reusable and do not need maintenance or servicing.

Operating without water, powder or foam, our fire blankets do not release toxic substances. On internal combustion vehicles, they make it possible to extinguish the fire by depriving it of oxygen, and by reducing smoke emissions.

On electric vehicles, they reduce the heat produced by the combustion of lithium batteries and prevent the spread of fire. 


Their use thus makes it possible to control a flame outbreak that occurred in the railway sector until the arrival of the firefighters.